What Is Covered For Incontinence

What Does Your Health Insurance Cover For Incontinence

Five million Australians are living with some degree of urinary incontinence, which is an inability to control bladder function.

 The most common form is ‘stress incontinence.’ This term refers to bladder leakage that takes place when pressure (AKA stress) is placed upon the bladder. This pressure can be caused by exercising or even something as simple as laughing or coughing. Stress incontinence is very inconvenient and also distressing, because it can happen anywhere at any time.


Up to 50% of Australian women are affected by stress incontinence.

 Pregnancy, surgery, ageing and menopause are just some of the causes of incontinence in women. While up to half of Australian women are affected, only 15% seek help.

 It is unfortunate that so many women avoid getting help because quality assistance is available in Australia. With the cost of living putting pressure on every household, it’s worthwhile investigating the financial support on offer.


Is there government support for incontinence?

If you have permanent and severe incontinence, you may be eligible for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS). Through CAPS, you will receive payments to help cover the costs of your continence products. As of 2022-23, the CAPS payment rate is $650.40 and is paid either annually or bi-annually. You can use these funds to buy any incontinence products from a supplier of your choice.

Additional funding is also available through individual state and territory governments. For example, the West Australian Government provides support through the Continence Management and Support Scheme (CMASS).

If your incontinence is a result of a disability, you may be entitled to funds through the NDIS. Veterans may receive help through the DVA Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).


Medical practitioners can assist you with incontinence management in Perth.


Is stress incontinence surgery covered by insurance?

Do you have incontinence treatment health cover? Your health fund may offer cover for some incontinence treatments and products. It will ultimately depend on your individual level of cover.

It can be a good idea to investigate your health insurance options as soon as possible in case any waiting periods apply.


Should you get incontinence treatment?

There currently seems to be more financial support for incontinence products rather than incontinence treatment. While there may be greater upfront costs with an incontinence treatment, there are savings to be had in the long run as you may no longer need to buy incontinence products. There is also the immense value of living free from incontinence, which is hard to put a price on.


Incontinence treatment in Perth

If you’re considering treating your incontinence, the medical practitioners at Azure can help. Vaginal laser treatment can help get your bladder leakage under control, and the practitioners at Azure will carry out this treatment in a relaxed, comfortable environment.

Vaginal laser treatment:

Can return normal bladder function (by supporting the pelvic floor)

  • Is simple and non-invasive
  • Is a more natural solution than surgery
  • Only requires two 30-minute sessions
  • Has minimal downtime (return home or go back to work straight away).

Vaginal laser treatment heats up the tissue, stimulating collagen production which in turn can significantly improve the strength and structure of your vagina. This strengthening supports your whole pelvic floor.

If you’re tired of worrying about having an ‘accident’ and are ready to get your confidence back, make an appointment to speak to an understanding, friendly practitioner at Azure Medical.

Book an appointment or
cosmetic consult with us.

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Anyone can make you feel good, but is that feeling fleeting? Does it wear off as soon as you merge back onto life’s freeway after your visit? At Azure Medical, we want you to find your feelgood, for good. You can take comfort in knowing we are an evidence-based health hub that listens and learns, drawing on our vast clinical knowledge to get to the root of the problems holding you back.

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