From Selfless To Self-Care: Why Mums Need TLC Too

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It looked oh so perfect on TV. Soft morning sunlight peeping through the window, gentle lullabies playing, an intimate moment of mum cuddling her snugly wrapped baby, doe eyes staring back. Must be love, loooove, love!

Your version probably looked a little different.

Sleepless nights rocking an inconsolable infant. Spending your free time hooked up to a milking machine. Re-microwaving your tea ten times (and still never drinking it). Always having company in the toilet. Erupting randomly into a blubbering, hormonal mess.

Of course, you love your kids from the top of their heads to the tip of their toes. But no one can fully prepare you for just how hard it is to be a mum. The tiredness. The emotional depletion. The mental exhaustion. What happened to the idea of personal wellbeing? It’s time to open up about feeling positive again. But first, let’s take a look at some of the things that mums experience…

  1. Your body might not look quite the same
    Pregnancy is an incredible experience, but your body might not look quite the same as it used to. Cellulite, stretch marks, difficulty holding onto urine when exercising – you know, all the glamorous bits you won’t see on Instagram.
  2. Your friendship circles look different
    Choosing to be a mum means your priorities change overnight, from career to carer, promotions to rash lotions. Returning to work is a huge decision too, often stalled by fear of what your partner, family and friends will think of you being a ‘part-time’ mum. Meanwhile your friendship circles look different, with more time spent sharing breastfeeding tips at 2am with your mothers’ group on WhatsApp.
  3. That sinking feeling
    Only a mum would understand that sinking feeling you get catching a disapproving look from a supermarket shopper while your three-year-old throws a level ten tantrum in the confectionary aisle. Or how friendships can strain when your ten-year old says something socially inappropriate on the soccer field. Even leaving the kids in day care comes at a cost – the shame, the guilt, the judgement.

It’s time to celebrate you

As a mum, you’re used to putting other people first – but neglecting your mind and body can cause dopamine levels to drop, leading to lethargy and social anxiety. So why feel guilty about making your health and wellbeing a priority? Good things happen when you take control over your life. Express yourself, let others know what’s going on for you, be open and proactive about health problems (like breast cancer and diabetes) and yes, treat yourself to a little TLC from time to time. The better you feel about who you are and how you look, the better mum you’ll be. Even if it starts out about you, the flow-on effect will improve the lives around you too.

To find out how Velashape, Coolsculpting, Hydrafacials and Jan Marini Peels (and more!) can help you feel happier and healthier from the inside out, talk to your friendly experts at Azure Medical today

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Anyone can make you feel good, but is that feeling fleeting? Does it wear off as soon as you merge back onto life’s freeway after your visit? At Azure Medical, we want you to find your feelgood, for good. You can take comfort in knowing we are an evidence-based health hub that listens and learns, drawing on our vast clinical knowledge to get to the root of the problems holding you back.

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