Soften up and be a Man: Why it’s time to Celebrate Dads

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Welcome to modern fatherhood, when you say goodbye to the life you once loved and embark on a new journey that will test your strength, patience and sanity. You’ve traded in the sports car for a sensible SUV. Your music collection has evolved from AC/DC to ABC Kids. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yet even in this new parenting paradigm, we’re still struggling to shed those out-dated masculinity stereotypes. Truth is, being a dad today is as tough as it is rewarding – and it’s about time we manned up enough to admit it.

  1. Will I be a good dad?
    For many, the anxiety kicked in before we even became a father. Will I be a good dad? Am I up to supporting my partner? How will I provide for my family? While it’s true there’s no rulebook on being a parent, many of the fears men face stem from societal expectations. In years gone by, men rarely took an active role in family life. Even today, dads are viewed more as helpmates than nurturers. To break the mould means putting your career (and dignity) on the line – real men don’t work part-time, cook, clean and go clothes shopping, right?
  2. It takes courage to open up
    It’s time dads knew it’s okay to be the man you want to be. Rather than put on a brave face just to give the impression you have it all together, realise it takes more courage to open up. The reality is, sometimes the day’s stresses can get a bit much. Unfortunately, men take their own lives at four times the rate of women (that’s five men a day, on average). Talking with a therapist will help you unpack your problems to see a way to move forward with strength and purpose.
  3. The small stuff matters
    Sweating the small stuff matters. If you’re worried about how you look or feel, do something about it. Truth is, men experience body concerns as much as women. Thankfully the stigma for self-care is fading and requests for treatments such as snoring treatment, body hair removal ans even skin rejuvenation are growing.

It’s time to celebrate you

When you feel great physically and mentally, you’re in the right space to be the best dad possible. If we’re being rational, it just makes good sense. So take care of yourself, be proud of who you are, love your kids like only you know how.  And don’t be afraid to put yourself first sometimes. Being a modern dad is something to celebrate.

To learn how mental health care, laser hair removal, Nightlase snoring treatment and skin rejuvenation (+more!) can help you be a better dad, talk to your friendly experts at Azure Medical today.

See more about our #celebrateme campaign here, and be a part of something bigger.


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