Bye-Bye Big Thighs! Lose fat from your thighs


Lose fat from those thighs. Discover how CoolSculpting fat removal is the best way to say bye-bye to big thighs.

Tired of big thighs after losing weight?

You’ve lost weight and kept it off. But, you’re frustrated by chunky thighs that won’t go away? How do you shift that stubborn flab that resists the diet?

Really – how do you lose fat from thighs?

CoolSculpting technology freezes the tissues in a very controlled way, causing loss of around 25% of fat cells – permanently. Your body harmlessly removes the leftover material over a period of a few months. As the name implies, Coolsculpting sculpts you, so that your fit, natural body can show through.

Not so keen on surgery?

So, you’re not looking for surgical fat removal? That would be too much. The CoolSculpting treatment is a non-invasive, no downtime procedure done in the GP’s rooms, instead of in an operating theatre. For any people, the safer, easier non-surgical treatments are the best option. Why not have a free consultation with our Perth Coolsculpting team and find out more about the differences between surgical fat removal and CoolSculpting?

How quick are the results?

As long as you are maintaining good fitness, maximum results can take from a few weeks, up to 4 months. This is the time it takes your body to break down and remove the destroyed fat cells. Most people need only one fat reduction treatment to lose fat from those big thighs.

Get rid of big thighs — and more

Say bye bye to big thighs. In addition to getting rid of fat thighs, fat reduction can be done on other flabby parts of the body, too. Imagine getting rid of a persistent muffin top (flab around the waist and lower abdomen), a double chin, flabby upper arms, or fatty buttocks! We can treat nearly every area.

Please book a confidential consultation with our Coolsculpting team of Maria and Ailsa to find out more, and get a customised treatment plan to fit your body.

Book an appointment or
cosmetic consult with us.

Ailsa Simpson

Ailsa has worked in the field of Preventative Medicine, anti-aging and aesthetics for the past 10 years. Ailsa Simpson is our Practice and Cosmetic Nurse. Ailsa is passionate about helping our patients achieve their best in health. A skilled and gentle injector, she can also help you feel confident and comfortable with your appearance. Ailsa is also one of our CoolSculpting Consultants.

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