Are you invested in your wellbeing?


Food for thought from our cosmetic nurse, Ailsa Simpson

I have been inspired by a recent road trip immersed in nature, to write. I am no writer. I am a nurse with 30 years experience in chronic disease, acute illness, integrative health, preventative medicine, research, school health, wellness & aesthetics. And over the years I have worked overseas caring for those from different cultural backgrounds and from different religions and belief systems. It’s this experience that leads me to write about the definition of health today.

What defines good health?

I have had patients tell me they eat healthy, yet present as overweight seeking weight loss advice. I meet women chasing perfection when things do not appear good enough. I have met young men dedicated to their work who are highly motivated yet sit inside day in, day out with very low vitamin D levels. And CEOs who do not sleep believing denial works best for them when it comes to their health and wellness. Or how about the woman with shiny hair and perfect skin who is physically fit yet has sadness and negativity oozing from her face and body. All these people function well daily. All these people say they live a healthy life.

However, I would like to suggest that health is not purely the absence of disease but in fact finding a balance of mind, body, heart and soul to provide and maintain true homeostasis. This is why I invite you to take the time to listen to the whispers of nature. Feel the earth under your feet, smell your surrounds and use all your senses because you can. Allow yourself to accept, forgive, love, give thanks and grow.


For more information on how to improve your health holistically, book an appointment with our friendly GPs at Azure Medical Clinic today.

Book an appointment or
cosmetic consult with us.

Ailsa Simpson

Ailsa has worked in the field of Preventative Medicine, anti-aging and aesthetics for the past 10 years. Ailsa Simpson is our Practice and Cosmetic Nurse. Ailsa is passionate about helping our patients achieve their best in health. A skilled and gentle injector, she can also help you feel confident and comfortable with your appearance. Ailsa is also one of our CoolSculpting Consultants.

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